For up to date documentation, please visit the following on-line manual link for information about the latest version of the QPSMR Companion program:
Link to Companion’s on-line manual
Also, when you are using the Companion program, simply press the function key F1 to find relevant help.
In addition, below are links to the QPSMR Input/Telin and CL manuals. Here you can find up to date release information:
Link to the QPSMR Input/Telin on-line manual
Link to QPSMR Companion’s CL on-line manual
If you are interested in finding information on how leases work in Companion, please visit our Licensing page. This also includes details about the Companion extended licences, which are suitable for larger projects.
Some of the Companion products are licence free, enabling users to format tables in Excel, analyse and input data, check triple-s files, view and edit raw data files, and export project details.
In addition, for further Companion information, for example: weighting, statistics and significance testing on tables, handling repeated questions (or blocks of questions) and Winsock dialler), please visit NetMR Scotland’s Companion Download website using the links below:
Documentation: Weighting page
Documentation: Statistics and significance testing used on tables
Documentation: Handling repeated questions (or blocks of questions)
Finally, to see some examples of the Companion’s main screens, please visit: