
QPSMR Telin (Classic)

Comprehensive telephone interviewing solution

This software can be used for the same types of entry as Companion Input, such as:

  • Telephone interviewing, including appointments
  • CATI input using quota and sample files

Further key benefits of using Telin:

  • The software handles partially completed interviews and is optimised for mouse entry, although the keyboard can still be used if preferred.
  • In addition, this mode is optimised for ease of use, so that the interviewer can concentrate on the phone conversation, the Data window is uncluttered, and the program does not move onto the next question until requested.
  • Furthermore, the software issues sample data records (CATI licence only)
  • Finally, Telin uses quota control files (CATI licence only)

Please email the Companion’s author’s (further details are on our About page), or visit our Dealer page to receive the software.