Companion Input facilities
The Companion Input for Windows and Android programs are licence free and you can use them to enter data from paper or during a CAPI interview.
Licence free
Easy to use, fully controlled data collection
Includes checking, randomisation, and filtering
For paper surveys and CAPI using keyboard or mouse
Use in-house or by outworkers/data entry companies
You can enter data using the questionnaire produced with any Companion licence. For more information on the facilities in the latest release, please see our recent posts on our NetMR Download site.
Furthermore, Companion programs will install with a help file and context help is accessible via the F1 key. You can view the manual here (see below), however, it should not be copied without permission from the authors.
Companion Input
The program can be used for paper and CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews).
Windows version
Input can handle any number of users accessing the same file. It has locking mechanisms to prevent more than one user trying to change the same serial number.
In addition, Input has full facilities for data entry, verifying, updating, deleting, and changing serial numbers.
Input Windows download page
Link to the Companion on-line manual
Android version
The Android program, for devices running OS version 6 or above.
Furthermore, operators only use the Android input program for entering data. Also, the Input (Android) will automatically upload collected records to an FTP site.
Input Android download page
Link to the Companion on-line manual
Classic version
Companion Input has replaced QPSMR Input.
In addition, for telephone interviewing (CATI – Computer Assisted Telephone Input) you will require a QPSMR Telin licence. Please see the following to download Input: