Companion Reflect replaces QPSMR Reflect for end user analysis.
Reflect is for end users to quickly produce analysis from a supplied Reflect database.

Companion Reflect
Licence free
End user analysis for project managers and clients
Powerful cross tables, formatted as required
Include new filters, variables and statistical tests
This is a licence free end user analysis tool that can be downloaded for use with database files generated from Companion or CL.
Furthermore, you can produce Excel tables from Reflect databases including variables, filters and statistical tests, with tables automatically numbered and formatted. Reflect enables users to analyse data with the Tables setup and Drill down facilities, using a supplied Reflect database file (.qrf or .qrfx).
For more information on the facilities in the latest release, please see our recent posts.
Significantly, if you already have a Companion program installed, this includes all the Reflect facilities and you do not need to install this software.
Please visit the following link to download the Reflect program from NetMR Scotland’s Download website:
Companion Reflect download website
Help Files
In addition, the program will install with a help file and context help is accessible via the F1 function key. You can also view the manual however, please do not copy the manual without permission from the software authors.
Link to the Companion on-line manual